--,---,---g CO2
Carbon Saved

+44 20 7459 4128

--,---,---g CO2
The carbon we have saved

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Reach More Customers

Filtering in traffic is how we ensure your ads are seen by more people

10 seconds full motion creatives

MP4 and JPEG formats accepted

Auto-brightness, visible under direct sunlight

Book 17% share of voice or up to 100% domination campaigns

Easy booking

Key geographical

Measure results
with real-time data

Featured In:

Three Dimensional Advertising

Unmissable at street level

150 Screens in Zone 1 London 3000 by the end of 2024

City centre hubs in high
footfall areas

24,000 daily
advertising plays

Trusted & Loved By

Only Professional Riders

Ad-SCOOTERS cleaned and charged daily


Heat maps of content delivery

Hand-picked delivery riders

London Zone 1

Portman Sq Hub Location #1 Ad-MOTO re-purposes underutilized carparks, ensuring our rental hubs are perfectly situated throughout city centres

Sustainable Advertising

100% Fully Electric Fleet Of Ad-Scooters

11,800 Tonnes Of Carbon Saved Annually

Taking Noisy & Polluting ICE Scooters Off The Road

Aligning With Your Sustainable Brand Values